Diabetes in Dogs

Diabetes in dogs is a common endocrine disease that affects 1 in 300 dogs. The common symptom in diabetes-affected dogs is hyperglycemia i.e high blood sugar. The diagnosis is made by checking the average blood sugar and insulin levels of the dog. In dogs, diabetes is generally a life-long condition that possibly can be managed with a low-carbohydrate diet, exercise and medication.

What is diabetes?

Diabetic Mellitus is a chronic disorder that occurs when carbohydrate metabolism malfunctions due to persistent insulin deficiency or insulin resistance. Usually, the treatment for diabetes-affected dogs involves the usage of insulin medication and other lifestyle changes to keep the blood sugar level within the normal range.

Symptoms of Diabetes in Dogs

  • Increased water intake
  • Increased Urination
  • Weight Loss
  • Lethargy


A simple check of sugar levels in blood and urine can ascertain the presence of diabetes in dogs. Had diabetes been diagnosed earlier and treatment begun sooner, diabetic dogs can too lead a normal and happy life.

Treatment for Diabetes in Dogs

Diet, Exercise, and Medication are the lifesaver in diabetes.

Diet: Your veterinarian will recommend diet changes for your diabetes-affected dog. Typically, a low carbohydrate, low fat and high fibre diet are recommended by veterinarians to control blood sugar levels in diabetic dogs.

Exercise: Regular exercise will go a long way to take of your dog’s health. Simple exercise such as walking is a must to reduce the disease burden in diabetic dogs. Exercise promotes weight loss insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity.

Medication: Usage of Medication is a convenient and proven way to control diabetes. Usually, veterinarians will prescribe insulin to treat diabetes. Medication along with diet and exercise is the best way to beat diabetes.

Diabetes in Dogs
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