What Should I Feed dog? Best Diet Plan For Your Dog

dog food

Wondering What to Feed Dog?

If you think, dogs just need to eat meat to be healthy, you are wrong. Dogs are not narrow minded carnivores. Dogs need more than just meat in their diet to stay healthy. You should feed dog a balanced diet comprises of Protein, carbs, fibers, fats and other essential nutrients.

Dogs have different requirements depending on their age, breed, size, and other aspects such as medical conditions such as diabetes, cancer, kidney and liver problems.

How many Times required to feed dog in a day?

Experts advise feeding dogs, two meals in a day. One meal in the morning and another meal in the evening.

What to Feed a Puppy?

What kind of food you feed your puppy is very crucial. Puppyhood is the time a dog will require much nutrition and care and that only determines their health at their later stage as an adult dog. Puppies require a very nutritious meal that is easily digestible. There are a good handful of products recommended for commercial Foods available in Pet shops such as Royal Canin Starter and other puppy formulas. Puppies can be fed with Home cooked foods such as rice with chicken or curd and milk, eggs, mashed potatoes, boiled vegetables.

The best dog diet will contain the following nutrients.

Generally the food that you provide to your dog should have the following nutrients.


Protein is the major nutrients required by dogs. It is required to build healthy muscles, grow stronger bones and hair and to repair and control cell and nerve damage. Lamb meat, chicken, and Beef are a good source of protein.


Dog food should contain the recommended amount of carbohydrates to support the dog’s daily energy requirement. Carbohydrates are the major source of energy. Grain foods such as rice and biscuits are a good source of carbohydrates.


Fats are the supplementary booster of energy. It is also maintains healthy skin & hair for dogs. Fish and meats such as beef and lamb are great sources for fats.


Fibre aids in digestive health to ensure better digestion and bowel movements. Vegetables are rich in fiber.

Energy Requirement

As a general rule, a moderately active dog needs the following amount of Kilo Joules and calories at different stages in its life.

StageKilo Joules (KJ/Kg)Calorie
Puppy910 KJ per Kg100 calories per lb
Adult550 KJ per Kg60 calories per lb
Geriatric230 KJ per Kg25 calories per lb

It is important to understand that facts such as environment, pregnancy and diseases can alter the dog’s nutritional needs.

It is also important to not overfeed the dog to prevent obesity.

Types of Dog food

Dogs can be fed a variety of dog foods as long as their nutritional needs are addressed. Dog foods are commonly available in these

1. Dry Dog food

2. Semi Moist dog food

3. Canned dog food

4. Home cooked food

5. Raw Food

Dry Dog Food

These are pellets or kibble type of dried food which contain meat and fish products together with carbohydrates, vitamin, and minerals. These foods are the best form of dog food. They are very convenient and economical. They have a long shelf life.

Canned Food

Canned dog foods usually come in two kinds, the first one is a meaty kind that contains fewer carbohydrates and the other one is a complete food with meat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. The first one is a kind of add-on food that should be fed along with dog meals or biscuits usually in the ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 to make complete food.

Semi moist dog Food

This type of dog food is a combination of canned & dry food which makes a perfect balanced diet and value for money. But it has a lower shelf life compared to dry dog foods.

Raw Food

Raw foods can be anything a dog prefers to eat. Dogs can be fed vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and meat. Still Preference in food can differ from dog to dog as each dog is a different individual.

Home cooked Food

Home-cooked foods are best for dogs of all food options. Home-cooked can be the healthiest option too. Commercial dog foods have the chances of containing low-quality food ingredients such as food and meat by-products and harmful preservatives and the home-cooked foods are free from those type of ingredients and ultimately becomes the safest food too.

Which type of dog food is better?

Each type of dog food has its own unique advantages. So there is no obvious reason to depend on only one type of dog food. If a certain type of food works well for your dog, you can adhere to it.

It is good to include more freshly cooked food in your dog’s diet as they are safer and healthier. Commercial dog foods can act as a convenience food when time is a constraint. They are technically prepared to contain all types of nutrients. So it is not bad to include good commercial foods in the dog’s diet when you wouldn’t be having enough time to prepare food for your dog.

Clean Freshwater should always be available to the dog. It is ideal to feed the dog only twice a day.

Functional or special foods are now available to address certain nutrition deficiencies or diseases in dogs such as arthritis, kidney problem, and diabetes. It is a good idea to seek advice from dog nutrition experts to choose the best diet for your dog if he/she has special needs.

Fruits that are Safe to Feed dog

  • Bananas
  • Blueberries
  • Cantaloupe
  • Cranberries
  • Cucumbers
  • Mango
  • Oranges
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Pineapple
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries
  • Watermelon

Fruits That are Unsafe to Feed Dog

  • Avocado 
  • Cherries
  • Grapes
  • Tomatoes

Vegetables Safe to Feed Dogs

  • Broccoli
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Green beans
  • Peas
  • Spinach

Vegetables that are unsafe to Feed Dogs

  • Asparagus
  • Mushrooms
  • Onions
What Should I Feed dog? Best Diet Plan For Your Dog
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